7610 87th Street

Osoyoos, British Columbia Canada

Updated March 23rd , 2025

MASS SCHEDULESt. Anne – Osoyoos
Please refer to Weekly Sunday Bulletin
Saturday Vigil 5.00 p.m.
Sunday 8.15 a.m. and 11.00 a.m.
Some weekday masses are available for shut-ins via zoom.
Please email or call the office to inquire.
Saturdays – 4:00 to 4:30 PM or call the office 250 495-6815 to book an appointment
Weekday Mass
Monday, Tuesday & Friday – 9:00 am
Please check the Sunday Weekly Bulletin for changes to the mass schedule.
Our Lady of Lourdes Mission, CAWSTON
1st Sunday each month at 1:00 pm
Rev. Peter Tompkins, Pastor
St. Anne – Osoyoos
7610-87 Street, P.O. Box 242, Osoyoos, B.C. VOH 1VO
Telephone: 250.495.6815
Email: st_anne@telus.net
Office Hours:
Tuesday & Wednesday, 9:30 – 11 AM
(Marlaine and Lucia are at the desk)
Voicemail is on outside of office hours
Christ the King – Oliver
6044 Spartan St., P.O. Box 130, Oliver BC V0H 1T0
Joan Marshall (CTK Oliver) – Secretary
Telephone: 250.498.3934
E-mail address: oliver@nelsondiocese.org
Website: www.ctkoliver.org
Office hours: Wednesday, Thursday & Friday, 9:30 AM – 2:30 PM
Weddings: Contact the Pastor 6 months in advance
Baptisms: Contact the Pastor 2 months in advance


Please download the Parish registration form, complete it and either email or drop off at the parish office.

Please download the information on Pre-Authorized Giving Plan


www.nelsondiocese.org   Mass with Bishop Bittman 9 AM Sunday-Immaculate Conception Kelowna
www.youtube.com   for “Bishop Robert Barron daily Mass”
www.cccb.ca                    for the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
www.usccb.org                for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops  –  daily Mass readings
www.universalis.com      daily Mass readings and Breviary prayers for the hours throughout the day
www.zenit.org                   for the world seen from Rome
http://www.vatican.va/archive/ENG0015/_INDEX.HTM  for the Catechism of the Catholic Church

http://www.kofc.org/en/columbia/index.html Columbia magazine of the Knights of Columbus
https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/about.php  for news about the Catholic Church
www.catholic.org              for a Catholic “library” on-line
www.beholdvancouver.org  website for the Catholic laity:  questions, connections, webinars, blogs, and more.  Masses are also celebrated throughout the day and televised on Salt + Light, EWTN, and Vision TV.

cwl.ca National Catholic Women’s League of Canada
https://nelsondiocesecwl.org/ Nelson Diocesan Catholic Women’s League of Canada
https://bcyukoncwl.com/ BC Yukon Provincial Catholic Women’s League of Canada

CWL Catholic Women’s League

Next meeting – April 17, 2025 – for more details click here.